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Landslides, collapses and snow-slips  Follow rss

Landslides and collapses cause a perceptible damage to national economy, environment and settlements, and snow-slips are of a great danger to a human life. A premature informing of residents living at landslide-, avalanche-, and collapse-dangerous territories helps people to be prepared in case of an emergency and to avoid unnecessary panic and stress. This is very important in a present-day situation of a nonlinear growth of the amount of similar events since the possession first of all with the reliable information on potential collapses, landslides or snow-slips will help to react with competent preventive measures to avoid unwarranted victims.

The glacier began to melt on the island of Iceland, September 2017

The glacier began to melt on the island of Iceland, September 2017

 Sep 17, 2017     Landslides, collapses and snow-slips      2398      0
The largest glacier on the island of Iceland-Vatnayöküdl began to melt: it appeared giant funnels, a diameter of more than a kilometer and a depth of hundreds of kilometers, and also formed cracks.