Temperature anomalies on the planet in April 2017. Experiment to identify thoughts

ABSTRACT: The article contains temperature maps and photo materials of eyewitnesses, recorded in late April - early May 2017. Also, the reader offered a unique experiment to observe his thoughts for a more in-depth understanding of himself.

The second half of April turned out to be quite refreshing practically for the entire territory of the Northern Hemisphere of our planet. The video broadcast "Climate Control" in issue 59 the climate events for April 15-21, 2017 were detailed, where residents of almost the whole of Europe faced, including southern regions: half-meter snow drifts and a stormy wind during the most active flowering of orchards. During this period, the cold Arctic cyclone reached even North Africa, causing night frosts in some regions of Libya in the Sahara desert.
Such events should be studied on a global scale, comparing various factors. Climatic changes on Earth are taking place with increasing strength, and this is already the reality of today. In this publication, let us consider some analysis of temperature anomalies. However, to make it more attractive, we offer you, dear reader, to conduct a small experiment for a more in-depth study of yourself. Do you agree? If yes, then let's try to watch the thoughts that circulate in our head, which emotions are activated, while watching the pictures and photographs. You can even record them. We will just try for the sake of curiosity to do the following - while reading this article and studying the drawings, we will try to fix all the occurring thoughts and suddenly surging emotions. This is the first part of the experiment. In order not to run ahead of time, the second part we will keep in secret for a while.
So, we offer to acquaintance a small selection of photos of our eyewitnesses of weather anomalies, as well as temperature maps of our planet recorded in the period from April 29 to May 1, 2017.
April 27, 2017, USA, Wyoming, Laramie (Laramie, Wyoming, USA). The city is located at an altitude of 2184 m above sea level. On this day, the temperature in the area dropped to the level of -2.2 to C. In comparison; the average is +10 +15 at this time of the year for C.
April 29, 2017, USA, Colorado, Denver (Denver, Colorado, USA). A week before, the temperature in this region was +20 о С, the gardens were blossoming, the trees dressed in green foliage. But on this day the temperature dropped to -2 o C. All night and a part of the day there was heavy snow.
April 29, 2017, the Czech Republic. Due to temperature anomalies, one part of the country was covered with snow, and the second was flooded.
Let's look at the temperature maps of the entire planet that were made using the online service Windy.com and which are on GeoCenter.info website in the CLIMATE OBSERVATION section. At first, once again we will remind of our fascinating experiment on observation of coming thoughts and their writing in a notebook.
So, the weather on the European continent on April 29 (9:00 UTC or 12:00 in Kiev) was characterized by a significant contrast. From hot in the east to a low temperature with frosts in the central and western parts.
Observing such a picture for several days with a clear line sharply separating the climatic characteristics, for some reason, the words from the book “Ezoosmos” by Anastasia Novykh were recalled:
“Events were replacing one another, appearing sometimes fragmentarily sometimes on the global scale. I saw crashing of an enormous bridge, death of a world-wide known religious figure, destructive earthquakes, floods, tornados, tsunamis wiping built-up areas off the face of the Earth. I observed volcanoes unexpectedly awaking and destroying all the living with their ashes and lava rejects. There were melting of ice tops on the poles and collision of huge icebergs. There was violent rise of ocean and river waters level. Whole coastal megalopolises were going down underwater. Some littoral countries were totally disappearing from the Earth within quite a short time period. And all these cataclysms were taking place as if in a tidal wave – they surged suddenly and abated, then they rolled on again with greater power and heavier destructions and again damped temporarily.
Incredibly strong bursts were occurring on the Sun. Islands and continents were moving from their places, rapidly drawing together into a single dry land. Warm ocean currents changed their courses. Seasons got mixed up. Drastic rise of temperature gave place to abrupt cold spell. Failure of crops, starvation, ruin… A continuous reign of panic and chaos... The horror of global disasters enveloped the entire planet. Some parts of Eurasia were the only dry land spots which suffered of natural elements the least, being like the last spiritual bulwark and shelter of the dying civilization…”
History already recorded cases when fiction became prophetic, who knows? Let's recollect at least a story with Morgan Robertson's book Futility, published 16 years before the death of the Titanic, which describes in detail the death of a massive passenger steamer called Titan ...
But back to the climatic charts. On April, 29, most of the North American continent was covered by a cold Arctic cyclone (night time for this continent). The temperature in the central US reached -11 of C. In the east and south-eastern parts was +20 ... + 26 of C. As on the map, frost and heat were observed on areas located at the same latitude.
Residents of virtually the entire territory of Canada were affected by the cold Arctic air.
At the same time, inhabitants of the central part of the planet felt a steady heat up to +42 o C.
May 1, 2017, Kansas, USA (I-70 Kansas, west bound to Denver, USA).
May 1, 2017, Belarus, the Minsk and Vitebsk regions. Peace, work ... snow …
If you turn again to temperature maps, you can see globally on the anomalies fixed on May 1, 2017 (12:00 UTC or 15:00 in Kyiv).
As we can see from this figure, the cold snap and snow in Belarus on May, 1 was caused by a severe cyclone.
As we can see from this figure, the cold snap and snow in Belarus on May, 1 was caused by a severe cyclone.
Cold weather in the western and central parts of the USA does not recede. What to expect further?
Now we propose to conduct the second part of our experiment: in the comments to this article, write down the main thoughts that came to you and which you managed to fix during the acquaintance with these materials. If each of us do this honestly, you can see that the thoughts that come in such cases on the mind are not creatively different. For many of us, they coincide practically one in one. Here is a small initial list, which we can all expand together:
"It happens somewhere out there, it's far from me, and it does not concern me."
"Poor people, but this will not happen to me exactly."
"So they need it, they will know how ..."
"It's all scary to see why you should even know about it; we are warm and calm after all."
"It's all true, but what can I do?"
"This is negative, why should I pay attention to it? It is better to be in love ... "
Have you got such thoughts? But now let's think about it. Thousands of people read this article, from different countries of the world, from different nationalities, from different faiths, brought up in different cultural environments, and the thoughts, like the dictation of an invisible director, come absolutely the same. Only those ideas come that give some assessment of what is happening, based on the accumulated luggage associations, but, importantly, do not show the way out and solution to these problems. Why is this happening? We are considered to be people with freedom of thought, freedom of expression of will. Or do we only think so? And what if our consciousness is characterized by a particular pattern of perception of the world? That is, we understand everything inside, but we can not express it as if some filter prevents us from it. But who then "I" really am, and who is this "filter" in me? I think it's time for us all to think about this ... all without exception. And for a more in-depth understanding of this issue, we suggest getting acquainted with the unique in all respects the book "AllatRa."
From the analysis of our thoughts, we can conclude that there is some invisible director who acts globally on the whole of humanity, and there is a "filter" inside of us that obediently listens to this master - this director, carrying out his orders, accepting his obsessive thoughts. But how can we feel of ourselves to be ourselves, without the imposed stereotyped settings of the manager? Who am I and why do I exist?
Climatic changes on the planet occur, and you can not close your eyes to it anymore. About this topic is said openly in the report of scientists ALLATRA SCIENCE: "On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems"
What can we do in such dynamic conditions? How can we, the whole humankind, decently survive the period of global cataclysms, in which we have already entered? Strangely enough, but again, on such a simple question, the "filter" in our head offers its own set of stereotyped settings, that it is hard, saying "we will live as we live, and there will be whatever happens," that this is not true and that Similar. Is not it? But it says just a "filter," like a voice in the head .. And what do we actually feel inside? What is in us if we remove this "filter"? What will remain? Inside, we all feel and understand that to solve the problems that encountered, each of us needs just to be a kind person, ready to lend a helping hand to a neighbor. Do not quarrel and do not argue who is right, but merely unite and live together peacefully. Is it difficult? If you start with yourself, it will turn to be quite simple, it is the simplest solution to all the problems facing all of mankind.
All of the humanity is one single organism, and this is one unit. And if some part of it perishes from the elements, is forced to relocate or is experiencing discomfort associated with natural disasters and bad relationships between people, then this is the problem of the whole single organism. Those are the problems of all individuals, regardless of where they live, even in a megacity, even in Antarctica, there is no difference. And every sensible person feels it. What needs to be done to understand this for each of us? The answer is as simple as always - do not listen to this "filter" in your head and unite with the whole world in friendship and purity of intentions.
You can read about the world, society and a human being in the encyclopedia of primordial knowledge - AllatRa book:
Prepared by: Vitaliy Afanasev