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Water From Air: The Path to Saving Humanity | Popular Science Film
Water From Air: The Path to Saving Humanity | Popular Science Film
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #12: Volcanic Eruptions, Huge Storms in US, Flooding in Europe
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #12: Volcanic Eruptions, Huge Storms in US, Flooding in Europe
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #10. Flood in Brazil and China. Storms in EU. Tornado in the US
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #10. Flood in Brazil and China. Storms in EU. Tornado in the US
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #9. Tornado in the US & China. Eruption in Indonesia. Floods
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #9. Tornado in the US & China. Eruption in Indonesia. Floods
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #8. Earthquakes in Taiwan & Turkey. Floods in China & Kazakhstan
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #8. Earthquakes in Taiwan & Turkey. Floods in China & Kazakhstan
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New Evidence of an Impending Catastrophe. Scientific Justification
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Why Is the Ocean About to Boil?
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #7. Record Rains in UAE. Anomalies in China. Large-scale Floods
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #7. Record Rains in UAE. Anomalies in China. Large-scale Floods
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #6. Earthquake & Tornadoes in USA, Floods in Russia, Storm in UK
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #6. Earthquake & Tornadoes in USA, Floods in Russia, Storm in UK
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #5. Earthquake in Taiwan, Flood in Saudi Arabia, Storms in the US
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #5. Earthquake in Taiwan, Flood in Saudi Arabia, Storms in the US
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Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #4. Earthquake in Indonesia, Snowfall in Europe, Floods in Brazil
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Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #3. Volcanic Eruption in Iceland, Hail in Mexico, Fires in China
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #2. Anomaly in UAE, Storms in France & Spain, Floods in Indonesia
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #2. Anomaly in UAE, Storms in France & Spain, Floods in Indonesia
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #1. Fires in the USA, Flooding in Italy, Heavy Rains in Brazil
Weekly Report on Natural Disasters #1. Fires in the USA, Flooding in Italy, Heavy Rains in Brazil
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Oct 13, 2019, 2:48 PM
Simon Ruszczak
"When the Sun will rise in the West"...or Dzhanibecov effect and the Earth's climate
I think you are correct in that the Earth is starting to wobble, but I disagree on the flip happening at regular 13000 year intervals. The Earth doesn't flip every 13000 years, but only at the start of an interglacial and after an interglacial. When a reduction or increase of ice at the geographic poles causes a weight imbalance, and planetary flip occurs. When the ice has increased enough or deduced enough the weight at the poles is in balance again, and the Dzhanibecov effect is prevented form happening again. Earth's flipping could explain the mega-fauna and mega-flora die off in North America 13000 years ago. When the Earth entered the current inter-glacial, the Earth flipped because the ice melted.     Extra ice around Antarctica would be in water (Antarctic Ocean), but extra ice around the now northern hemisphere would mostly be as glaciers on land (North America, Russia, Iceland, etc).    When the ice melted, it would have caused a weight imbalance (ice in water only displaces its own weight) causing the Earth to flip. During the flip, the continent of North America travelled over the Arctic Circle, killing off most of its wild life (flash freezing). When the northern hemisphere builds up enough land ice (glaciers) after the current inter-glacial has ended, making it "top" heavy, Earth's flip will start again. Over the past 5 years there has been a large build up of ice at the northern and southern hemispheres, so it looks like the inter-glacial has ended and another flip is about to start again !
Apr 8, 2019, 1:28 PM
lee ann osbun
Apr 3, 2019, 12:48 PM
Nov 2, 2018, 4:59 PM
Temperature anomalies on the planet in April 2017. Experiment to identify thoughts
Today, November 2, 2018,I came across this article. It is of particular interest to me because of what happened on April 29, 2017. I live along the Pawcatuck River in coastal Rhode Island, USA. At 2:20 AM, the earth quaked under my bedroom on the first floor. My room was shaking. It woke me with a very significant dream segment. I got out of bed and went outside. There was no obvious evidence of a quake. I called my daughter in Hilo, Hawaii because she would still be awake, and told her there had just been a small quake. Within a hour, the sky turned green, that atmospheric green of tornados, and I could hear thunder and see lightning coming towards the house, from north to south along the river. I am very sensitive to electricity, so I went back inside hoping to protect myself. The feeling was intense. As the storm came towards our house there was one last huge bang, and then nothing. In the morning I told my housemate, who is hard of hearing and I guess feeling, and he had not heard anything. I spoke with neighbors. No one had heard anything. I was sure of my experience. I called the state university to ask for some kind of geological assurance. Nothing, but they did say they would send a researcher. During the day, I was told by a local physician on the Connecticut side that there had been an alert, that the river which meets Long Island Sound and the ocean, had come in over the land. I heard nothing more. A friend did a bit of research for me and found that indeed we are sitting along a fault line called the Lake Char Shear Fault, inactive for unknown number of years. My experience was more traumatizing because leading up to the quake I had been experiencing an emotional breakdoewn, exposing feelings from 1955. I don’t know if this info is pertenant, but the timing is exact, and may just be important to your studies.