These icons mark directions where every person can participate. Portal was created and exists only due to united efforts of the international team of volunteers, just by people who are interested in this topic and who are not indifferent to the future of humanity.
We invite anyone who wishes to take part in the preparation of quality articles and additional creative projects.To participate,please contact us: [email protected]

- this article awaits to be translated into English. Colourful icon means that a translation is done, but you may proofread it and offer improvements.

- this article needs an image. Colourful icon means that a title image is placed, but you may offer an image for any paragraph to be added to the article.

- this article awaits to be proofread. Colourful icon means that the article has been already proofread, but if you notice some inaccuracies, mistakes or misprints, kindly let us know.

- this article waits for audio narration. Colourful icon means that audio narration is ready, but you may offer your version as well.

- this article waits for a video-version. Colourful icon means that a video-version is ready but you may offer your version, too.