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Atmospheric phenomena  Follow rss

Abnormal frosts in the USA and Canada.

Abnormal frosts in the USA and Canada.

 Jan 7, 2018     Atmospheric phenomena      2789      0
Anomalous frosts were established on the territory of the United States of America. The National Weather Service warned the population of the country about the threat of hypothermia.
In the US, record frosts, January 2018

In the US, record frosts, January 2018

 Jan 4, 2018     Atmospheric phenomena      2594      0
In most parts of the US, record low temperatures were established, aggravated by heavy snowfalls
Abnormal cold in Central America, December 2017

Abnormal cold in Central America, December 2017

 Dec 24, 2017     Atmospheric phenomena      2964      0
The cold cyclone caused a sharp drop in temperature in Central America.  
Snowfalls in Canada: closed schools, massively disconnected electricity, December 2017

Snowfalls in Canada: closed schools, massively disconnected electricity, December 2017

 Dec 21, 2017     Atmospheric phenomena      2374      0
On December 19 more than 43,000 Canadians were left without power supply due to heavy snow, as the wiring between the power transmission lines was damaged. The incident occurred in the province of British Columbia in the west of the country.
Climate change in the Arctic disrupts computer algorithms

Climate change in the Arctic disrupts computer algorithms

 Dec 12, 2017     Atmospheric phenomena      2214      0
Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said that climatic changes in the Northern Arctic are much faster than in other regions. Therefore, they are forced to rewrite the data correction algorithms, which purify the received observations from the emissions.
The red moon rose over the US, September 4, 2017

The red moon rose over the US, September 4, 2017

 Sep 9, 2017     Atmospheric phenomena      2084      0
September 4, 2017 over the night  the red moon rose in the United States of America.