In the US, record frosts, January 2018

In most parts of the US, record low temperatures were established, aggravated by heavy snowfalls, based the Associated Press.
The National Meteorological Service issued a warning of severe frost in areas from South Texas to Canada and from Montana to Maine. As a result, of the Arctic cold, the water tower in Iowa was frozen, and the terrible traffic was suspended in New York State.
Niagara Falls partially froze on the border of the USA and Canada. Because of the rather cold weather in North America, there was an illusion that the famous waterfall "stopped." Although the flow itself did not freeze.
Record frosts also caused the closure of schools in several states. School districts in Iowa, Massachusetts, Indianapolis and northeastern Ohio canceled classes or moved their start due to an expected drop in temperatures 11-17 degrees below normal in the eastern half of the United States.
In St. Louis, where the temperature dropped 30 degrees below normal, Mayor Lida Cruson warned that it was "dangerously cold". In the southern part of the country, whose inhabitants are not accustomed to such cold weather, the authorities opened heating centers and encouraged local residents to check neighbors, especially the elderly, in order to avoid tragic events.
The cold came to the east coast about a week ago, but on Wednesday evening and on Thursday the situation worsened. In particular, from New England to the middle of the Atlantic coast are heavy snowfalls. On the southeastern coast of the United States, the snow and so-called icy rain, caused glaze.
Due to unusual weather conditions that affected visibility, traffic on roads deteriorated, and some flights of Erie International Airport were canceled. Huge drifts adorned the city, but the snow continued to go.
A snowstorm in the US state of New York caused a major traffic accident in the city of Buffalo. A total of about 22 cars collided, many other vehicles due to this were trapped. Both lanes on the I-90 motorway due to the accident were closed for some time near the cities of Depew and Pembroke. The international airport of Buffalo Niagara because of heavy snowfall also canceled at least three flights.
In Tallahassee, Florida, January 3, snow fell for the first time in 29 years, Postimees reported citing the US media. The height of the snow cover reached 0.25 cm. The last time snow was seen in Florida in 1989.
" In the global society, consumer attitude needs to be urgently changed to life with the creative vector. After all, already now we can see the loss of spiritual and moral foundations, that basis of life for which the human race exists...
What does the state count in the first place, calculating losses brought by a cataclysm or a natural disaster which occurred on its territory? The number of victims is usually understated, and economic losses, as a rule, are usually overstated. Can human life be placed at the same level as consumerism and digital statistics? We are talking about human victims, which could really be avoided or at least the risks could be significantly minimized. Who among us wants us or our children to become a mere figure in the statistics? No one.". From the report of the international community ALLATRA SCIENCE" On the Problems and Consequences of Global Climate Change on Earth. Effective Ways to Solve These Problems".
You can read the report in this link: