All of us get used to standing on a firm ground. But have you ever thought what is that “earth” which we walk every day? The cases of earthquakes, collapses and landslides and volcano eruptions on our planet that have noticeably increased in frequency for some time passed, and most importantly, the consequences of such events encounter the corresponding thoughts. After all, the thickness of lithosphere (a solid cover of the Earth where we dwell) on the flat areas of land varies at average from 30 to 40 km, whereas the radius of the whole Earth reaches 6377 km. It can be compared with the thickness of the soap bubble pellicle with respect to its entire size. The position of the Earth inhabitants in this case looks quite precarious - by essence, we are all the hostages of the will of powerful forces of nature, hiding in the bowels of our planet. In today’s tense climatic situation such circumstances definitely should not be ignored. That is why in this column we will publish news on a various processes connected with the activity in the lithosphere of the Earth: earthquakes, volcano eruptions , breaks in the earth’s crust, collapses, landslides and avalanches and so on, in order to help people in seeing the full picture of the climate changes taking place today globally.
The collapse of the wall of the Halemaumau crater of the Hawaiian Kilauea volcano in a lava lake
Nov 29, 2017
Earthquakes 2416
Yellowstone: the report of the observatory for November 2017
Based on the documentation published on the website of the US Geological Survey: The current warning level of the volcano is reasonable, the existing warning code for aviation is green.
Sep 23, 2017
Earthquakes 5113
As a result of the earthquake in Mexico, dozens of buildings destroyed, many destructions occurred in the capital and other regions of the country. From the quake very severely affected the state of Morelos, the capital of Mexico Mexico, as well as the states of Pueblo, Mexico, and Guerrero, where there are victims. According to preliminary data, at least 44 buildings were destroyed, including one elementary school. To escape from the powerful vibrations of the earth's crust, millions of people ran into the streets in a panic.
Sep 23, 2017
Earthquakes 2127
There was a series of earthquakes that occurred in California, western coast of the United States, on September 22, 2017.
Sep 23, 2017
Earthquakes 10109
Seismologists of Mexico are in a panic after the 7.1 earthquakes that occurred on September 19, 2017, near Mexico City, there was no foreshock, and still, there was no AFTERSHOK !!!!An earthquake of magnitude seven without foreshock and aftershocks last observed in Japan on March 9, 2011.
The largest glacier on the island of Iceland-Vatnayöküdl began to melt: it appeared giant funnels, a diameter of more than a kilometer and a depth of hundreds of kilometers, and also formed cracks.
Sep 16, 2017
Volcanic Eruptions 2861
September 10, 2017, in the Hawaiian Islands, Kilauea volcano was activated. A whole lake of boiling lava formed in the crater itself.
Sep 9, 2017
Earthquakes 2158
According to the US Geological Survey on September 7 at 17:26:49 GMT, an earthquake of magnitude 6.1 occurred in the region of the Bonin Islands in Japan.