Kilauea volcano on the island of Hawaii was activated, September 10, 2017

Kilauea volcano in Hawaii is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, characterized by beautiful lava flows (pahoehoe in Pali). The eruption of the Kilauea volcano continues for the last 33 years.
Since the Kilauea volcano located on the island of Hawaii, the erupting lava spreads first over the island, and then the lava flows into the ocean from a height of over 1,200 meters above sea level.
The photo shows how the lava of the volcano Kilauea (10.09.2017) creeps to the sea:
There are no victims because there are no villages on the way to the fire-rivers. To admire this beautiful spectacle and the eruption of a volcano on an island located in the Pacific, tourists come. The volcano can be observed only from a safe distance.
In 1983, the eruption of Kilauea began and continued to this day. In the phase of a new intense activity, the volcano entered March 6, 2011.The last active eruption began in the summer of 2016 and for this incredible beauty of the destructive elements observed around the clock:
Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a light breeze flew over the sea, breathing life into the moonlit path, which charmingly sparkled with its silver hues, leading the way into a hazy distance. It was as if nature was teasing the creature, embracing it on the one hand with its eternity, and on the other, with its natural earthly beauty. Apparently, some innermost mystery, known only to itself, was hidden in this delicate gust. The quote from the book “Sensei. The Primordial of Shambala” by Anastasia Novykh.