Floods, storms around the world. Japan, China, USA, Kenya, Russia. Climate change 106

Floods, storms around the world. Japan, China, USA, Russia. Climate changes Episode 106. Every day we see the effects of floods in the news. Among all natural disasters, floods take the leading position in terms of the number of repetitions, coverage of territories, and total annual average economic damage. Unceasing since March 2018 rains have led to large-scale floods in Kenya. Kenyan meteorologists note that from March to May there was a record amount of precipitation in the past half-century. 800 thousand people were affected as a result of flooding...
On June 15, 2018 residents of 22 municipalities of Mexico suffered from severe flooding, which triggered landslides and mudflows. In some areas, the water level reached 1 meter 20 centimeters (4 ft).
On June 19, 2018 floods caused by heavy monsoon rains ravaged the northeastern States of India. 500 thousands people were affected.
On June 20, 2018, the streets of Weslaco, southern Texas, turned into full-flowing rivers. Heavy rains also caused floods in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan.
On June 25, 2018, the territory of China was lashed by heavy rains. As a result, there was flooding that affected over 40,000 people.
On July 10, 2018, Japanese rescuers were struggling to restore the infrastructure, which had been destroyed as a result of the most serious flood in the last 36 years, and to deliver assistance to the victims. Because of the flood, about 220 thousand people were left without drinking water. To make matters worse, in some parts of the country the temperature reached 33 degrees Celsius.
From April to July 2018, floods are estimated to have affected the lives of 1.5 million people in 30 countries.
Every day, we see consequences of floods in the news. Among all natural disasters, floods take up a leading position in terms of the number of repetitions, coverage and total annual economic damage.
Unceasing since March 2018 rains have led to large-scale floods in Kenya.
Kenyan meteorologists note that from March to May there was a record amount of precipitation over the past half-century. As a result of the flood, 800,000 people were affected.
On June 15, 2018 residents of 22 municipalities of Mexico suffered from severe flooding, which triggered landslides and mudflows. In some areas, the water level reached 1 meter 20 centimeters (4 ft).
On June 19, 2018 floods caused by heavy monsoon rains ravaged the northeastern States of India. 500 thousands people were affected.
On June 20, 2018, the streets of Weslaco, southern Texas, turned into full-flowing rivers. Heavy rains also caused floods in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan.
On June 25, 2018, the territory of China was lashed by heavy rains. As a result, there was flooding that affected over 40,000 people.
On July 10, 2018, Japanese rescuers were struggling to restore the infrastructure, which had been destroyed as a result of the most serious flood in the last 36 years, and to deliver assistance to the victims. Because of the flood, about 220 thousand people were left without drinking water. To make matters worse, in some parts of the country the temperature reached 33 degrees Celsius.
For more details about the ongoing floods and other climatic events watrch Episode 12 of the Breaking news.
From April to July 2018, floods are estimated to have affected the lives of 1.5 million people in 30 countries.
Fragment from the programme “It Is Coming. Се грядёт”
Only those who unite in a different understanding, will be able to survive. Not by physical factor, who is stronger and has more weapons and who can take away something from someone. Though, given the modern development of the situation, it will be that way. But this is also not for long. Everything ends and very quickly, and the conditions are extremely hard. Well, and everything will end.
Or there is a different possibility. When people take decisive steps, and here it was talked about exactly the fact that they will be able to unite and be able to resist. Then it will not be scary when some people move from one point on the planet to another. We will find room everywhere. We can take turns sleeping and working. The main thing is that everyone is alive and fed. Isn't that right? And everyone is in love. But this is possible only if an understanding is reached in every family, in every person, and when all of humanity becomes one family. And this is possible only based on the Truth, on love, on true spiritual freedom. Otherwise, everything will be terrible.
An important consequence of climate change is the increasing frequency and scale of extreme weather events (mainly floods and hurricanes). Analysis of the cataclysms' dynamics shows that up to 500 extreme events were observed annually until 1998, but the statistics of 2016 recorded 800 of such events per year! There was a clear increase by 60%.
It is no secret that the number of hydrological natural disasters today ranks the highest among other natural disasters.
According to scientists, more than 2 billion people have been affected by natural disaster over the past 5 years. This is almost every third inhabitant of our planet.
The water levels in water bodies depend on many different factors. Floods and their causes have been well explored. The main causes of these disasters are heavy and prolonged rains, melting of glaciers and snow, raising of the bottom due to accumulation of mineral deposits, strong winds, swelling of groundwater level as a result of tectonic processes, mudflows, tsunamis and industrial disasters.
Flood is, first and foremost, a natural disaster.
Flooding of land, caused by a significant rise of the water level in the reservoirs has been a regular occurrence since the times when water appeared on our planet.Therefore, these phenomena, if they are not too large-scale, are perceived by the majority of people calmly.
These natural disasters always cause damage. They damage infrastructure, destroy crop acreage, cause loss of people’s lives, change the terrain, and disrupt the established ecosystem.
Scientific institutions all over the world study the climatic processes of the planet and analyze the occurring floods. Dozens of models are being developed, providing the basis for forecasting future changes. But all the results suggest that the floods will become more frequent and stronger in the future. Even on the basis of the available statistics, we observe a steady increase in their number over the past decades.
One of the main reasons, indicated by Swiss scientists, is the increase in the average temperature on the planet.
With 1°C increase of the planet's average temperature, the atmosphere can retain 7% more moisture. Over the past 40 years, the temperature has increased by 0.7 ℃, and we can see a continuing growthsteady increase in the number of hydrological incidents during this period.
The number of people who may be in flood-prone areas depends on change in the Earth's temperature. A 2 ℃ rise in air temperature could put 27 million people at risk.
Today, the amount of precipitation, which breaks all records, has increased significantly as compared with the case if the temperature hadn't gone up. This was shown by the research of Dr. Lehmann from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
If we characterize the floods in terms of damage suffered, the following types can be distinguished:
Low danger level, dangerous, and extremely dangerous. The most dangerous types of floods in the world are classified as "catastrophic".
It was exactly such a flood that occurred in China in the 1930s, when after heavy rains, Yangtze, the longest and deepest river of the country, together with the adjacent Yellow River overflowed, destroying dams and flooding more than 30,000 acres of fertile land. This is the equivalent of Bulgaria, Austria, and Hungary combined. In some areas, the water remained for about six months.
When the river waters calmed down, the consequences of the flood were so catastrophic that the world shuddered: according to the official data, the death toll exceeded 3.7 million people.
One of recent large-scale floods, which was caused by heavy rains, occurred in the Krasnodar region in 2012. In just 2 days, there fell a five-month rainfall.The experts assigned this flood the ‘outstanding’ status.
The Krymsky district and the city of Krymsk suffered the most. In the city, the water level reached 4m (13ft) or even 7m (23ft) according to some evidence, which allowed to compare this sudden flood to a tsunami. Ministry of Emergency Situations recognized that a 7-meter (23 ft) wave had gone through Krymsk and flooded half the city. Over 24,000 people and more than 4,000 homes were affected by the flooding in the Krymsky District. Here to tell us more about this event is an eyewitness Vladimir.
Vladimir, witness of the flood: In the summer of 2012, the most destructive flood took place in the city of Krymsk in Kuban region. As a result of unprecedented rains the water level in the river rose, and in the city of Krymsk there occured a flood, which claimed more than 170 lives and led to destruction of many houses. There was a large number of victims. An international group of scientists who investigated the phenomenon concluded, that these showers were triggered by global climate change. The temperature of the Black Sea water rose high, and therefore evaporation from the surface of the Black sea exceeded 300%. That is 3 times more than the average limit for that period. The amount of precipitation exceeded the average by 100 times.
A driver of a heavy truck, while walking along the road, diverted his attention for a moment to turn his cell phone on, and suddenly, he saw a wall of water coming at him. We jumped into the car…
Just imagine, the car weighed dozens of tons, loaded up. And it was thrown like a chip and smashed to pieces.
He broke the glass with a tire iron and managed to swim out, somehow he was able to hold on to a branch of a tree. So, he made it out alive. And all that was left of the car was a pile of scrap metal. This demonstrates how powerful the natural disaster was. Can you imagine how many domestic animals died in this disaster, how many thousands of tons of trash filled the streets, houses, yards? Not only military units were employed there for these purposes, but also the police, personnel of MES. As well as people led by their hearts. Private enterprises sent their vehicles to clear the ruins, clean the roads and streets. It would seem that everyone looks only in his own direction, right? My family and everything. Well, as usual. When there is pain... some kind of general sense of loss or nature throws out a challenge. When it’s Nature or something else, people unite. It’s the case when people joined together and were able to deal with the consequences.
In a quiet place in a calm situation, they did not believe that something could happen. If people thought about what might happen, and embraced the fact that it is really possible, that they've got no backing space. Well not backing away — we’ve got to change, we must somehow prepare for this. Though, not from the material point of view, but from the spiritual one and the cultural one. People should be more attentive to each other, we should treat one another with humanity. And this should manifest not only in extreme periods, but also on a daily basis. Do you know how the feat is performed? The feat is performed once. And at this moment it means tension of all human forces. And there is such a saying: "A feat is not when you’ve performed some action and received a reward. A feat is when you’ve lived your whole life as a good person."
The Knowledge we received from the books by Anastasia Novykh, makes you realize that what’s needed now is uniting people. The union on spiritual principles. From the standpoint of the Knowledge that we have become aware of, people should live in a humane way, learn what they have been given, and start living in a new way.
Fragment from the programme “It Is Coming. Се грядёт”
“The more of people who understand, the more of people who stop playing at spirituality, but really start to live according to God's covenants. Not according to the covenants that some people tell others, but according to the true covenants, the inner ones, everyone knows them. Is it not so? This is the point. Then it will be better for everyone. Well... This is life. And the choice is left up to people.“