Global climate change is already taking place on Earth. Why are we silent?

Global climate change is already taking place on Earth. Why are we silent?
Every day, in many parts of the globe, cataclysms, congenital anomalies occur, indicating that the planet has started an irreversible process and everything that happens is only the links of one chain. Many scientists and mass media are already talking about this. It is enough to look at any weather report or graph of observations, as it becomes apparent that Earth is downright feverish. However, all that is happening is not a reason for panic or for storing canned food or matches. There is a way out in any situation, and in this case, the unification of all sane and decent people around the world is that saving circle for a drowning humankind.
But the problem lies in the fact that people themselves do not believe in such an association, more precisely in the very fact of its implementation in practice. Whereas we should just unite and it depends on ourselves.
Why is it so that many people do not believe in the reality of such a worldwide union of individuals?
Based on the experience of observing my consciousness, I can say with all responsibility that the ego of my consciousness opposes in every way my understanding and conscious attitude to the most important issues. For example, such as global climate change and the growth of global cataclysms. Our selfishness, the constant fixation on ourselves and our pressing problems, wipes out the whole importance of understanding it, obscuring our fear of death with momentary, everyday issues. And one more thing, important in my opinion. Consciousness tries to convince me that it was and always will be. I'll try to explain this on an illustrative example. For example, I read a book, and the consciousness fully associates itself with the characters, which creates a feeling of complete presence and participation in the described events. In the beginning, I believed that this is a property of my imagination. But after talking with friends, I realized, that I do not fantasize that I was in the past, but the consciousness imposes an identification itself with those events, to create in the Personality the illusion of omnipresence and the fact that it was always. The same process happens in the future. And only in the present, there is no consciousness, or rather its lie. Therefore, it is real. And being in it, you see everything without fog and delusion. You understand with all the acuteness that the state of affairs on the planet is very severe, and how important is my personal and responsible attitude towards this.
Recognizing the urgency of the moment is overshadowed by vanity, perhaps also because we are everywhere artificially imposed a sense of panic in case of cataclysms. For example, art films create a particular pattern of behavior in the event of any serious incidents. The first is a sense of the state of fear and despair and the urgent need to be ready to kill a neighbor for a piece of bread and protect yourself and your family from looting. Only life is not a movie, and we need to know in advance the way out of the current situation to survive. And this way out is in uniting and rallying people into one big family, constant support, mutual assistance, and joint work. And this is the only way to survive because otherwise, the humankind will subject itself to self-destruction. But if we, Ordinary people will decide to self-organize and show each other the simplest: respect and tolerance. If we understand that it is only through joint efforts that we can survive in the period of global cataclysms, then we have a chance not to become the "heroes" of those films about the end of the world and not to use the model of behavior imposed by the cinematography. However, just to show kindness towards the people around us. We understand, we see that something is going wrong, but we do not want to even think about it, because fear immediately covers us with a sticky veil, and to get rid of this suffocating and unpleasant sensation, we prefer to plunge into everyday vanity, forgetting about what's worrying. We look in the window and see the sun and calm ourselves with thoughts: "it's okay." The sun shines, the birds sing, the word reigns a real coziness. Why should I think about cataclysms and something that hangs by a single thread if I can enjoy the goods, which are still available for me?
It turns out, banal fear, fear of facing the truth, makes us run away from the realities of today in a dull worldly vanity. Like an ostrich, I hide my head in the sand of matter. But am I an ostrich? Involuntarily, the cartoon recalled when an ostrich, frightened by a screaming bird, hid his head in the sand, and then a screaming bird pulled out his feathers, and in the end, the ostrich lost a tail. I do not want to draw an analogy, but weak-willed and amorphous behavior can lead to even worse consequences than the plucked tail.
What do we need to avoid the worst effects of inaction? To begin to realize that the situation has already entered the phase of global destruction. To do this, we will come up with the necessary facts.
According to the German insurance company Munich Re in 2013, 880 major natural disasters occurred in the world, the direct economic damage from which amounted to $ 125 billion (Fig. 1). Also, the analysis of natural disasters statistics for the period from 1980 to 2013 confirms the growth trend Their number. (Fig. 2). It would be desirable, of course, to note that expressing the scale of natural disasters in a dollar equivalent is somehow not human, it speaks about the realities of our consumer society, which we have together brought up. But we can change this only ourselves...
Returning to the drawings:
Fig.1 Geographical overview of economic losses from natural disasters.
Fig. 2. Statistics of natural disasters that caused losses for the period 1980-2013.
Here are some examples of climate events from around the world that occurred August 2017 and during September 2017:
August 30, 2017, a tropical storm happened on the island Kabo-Verdi, with a risk level of 3, and the wind speed reached 190km/hour.
August 31, 2017, at 17:06 around Indonesian Island Sumatra the earthquake occurred with magnitude 6,3.
September 1, 2017, the earthquake with a magnitude of 5,2 happened in Rhodes Island, Greece.
Starting September 1-4, 2017 big spots of rain occurred around Switzerland, which created floods.
September 3, 2017, Ivan-Frankovsi, Russia got flooded
September 5, 2017, the earthquake with magnitude 5,7 occurred at Tarapaca country, Chile.
September 7, 2017, the earthquakes with the magnitude of 6,1 happened in Banksy island, Japan.
September 8, 2017, in Chiapas, Mexico occurred earthquake with magnitude of 8.1
This is only a small part of what has happened in the world, but these examples are enough to understand that global climate change has already begun. The next necessary step is to gain understanding on the way out of the current situation, what to do to prepare for more large-scale and destructive events.
Disasters leave many people without living conditions: without shelter, food and water supplies. State structures, as a rule, can not help in this, since they either suffer from destruction themselves or are not ready for such large-scale cataclysms. Therefore, help can only come from other people who have not suffered from natural disasters. For today, it's you and me. Let's honestly answer the question of whether I am ready to help other people who need food, clothes, and a roof over their heads. If there is doubt, then the first and most important step that will allow us all to save a lot of human lives is to try to overcome this doubt in ourselves. Only by discarding doubts, we will be able to unite our efforts in the struggle against the coming trials and preserve the joy of life for our children and grandchildren.