Yellowstone. The fatal crack has launched the final countdown.

A giant crack in the earth appeared in the area of the Bighorn mountain range (Wyoming, USA), located about 200 km east from the Yellowstone National Park on October 23, 2015. It is about 685 m/ 45 m in size. The representatives of the US Geological Survey did not leave any comments about this event. American TV channels have only shown brief broadcasts with a comforting fiction that the crack appeared due to "the preceding wet spring." The current situation is even more alarming, due to the close location of the Yellowstone supervolcano to this place, which is now on the verge of eruption.
A huge "funnel" was formed from the eruption of supervolcano in ancient times, which is called today the Yellowstone Caldera. From Spanish the word "caldera" (caldera) literally means "big cauldron". The Yellowstone supervolcano has a size of about 55 km/72 km. The Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming, USA) is located right on its territory. This is a huge, hidden "underground cauldron". At a depth of about 8 km under the caldera lays a chamber filled with magma. And, as it turned out in 2015, this chamber is not a single one, but has a double, even greater bottom. The second reservoir of magma feeding the pool above it was found at a depth of 20-50 km (shown in red in the animation). The processes associated with the tectonic activity in the Yellowstone area, occur not only in the caldera itself, but also in the surrounding areas of the awakening supervolcano. If we look through the statistics and the nature of earthquakes in this region, we can discover that, as a rule, their epicenter lies at the depth of 0.5 - 20 km. This is very close to the earth's surface which indicates the rapid raising of magma level.
Still in 2002, the scientists of ALLATRA SCIENCE discovered the fact, that the cavity of the caldera has two chambers, the upper and the lower one. Back then, this information was handed over to the representatives of the so-called "official science". However, instead of taking steps, when there was enough time, this information was simply classified. Now, when the time has already been lost, the official science announced about conducting a "full-scale researches and revealed a great secret": it turns out, that the cavity under the Yellowstone caldera has two chambers! But where have these "wonder-workers" been for 13 years?
It is known that, as a rule, the ground deformations have the nature of tectonic shift. Cracks appeared due to various reasons, including wave displacements of the earth's surface. In recent years, scientists have often observed the emergence of deep and wide cracks in the ground and the official science only makes various assumptions on their nature. Cracks also of the similar sizes, which are observed in the area of Bighorn mountain range, are of particular concern. Because after them, the break of magma in the upper layers of the earth's crust can be expected (which is characterized by the appearance of temperature anomalies) in the place where the harbinger of the phenomenon that caused such a huge crack was given rise to. Cracks of this nature appearing near super-volcanoes are indicators of the upcoming giant eruptions.
Even up to this days, we see traces of such breaks on the planet, which were the messengers of the catastrophic supervolcano eruptions in the distant past. Such deformation of the earth shows that there is a process of distinctive compression and the concentration of power in the "epicenter" (in the cauldron), that gives birth to this phenomenon. For a visual understanding of the current processes, such phenomenon can be associatively compared with the ebb of ocean waters from the shore before the approaching of tsunami. It is logical that the farther away the water goes from the shore, the greater is the height of the wave. Such a phenomenon, for example, was recorded on video before approaching tsunami to the island of Sumatra (Indonesia) on December 26th, 2004, caused by a powerful earthquake of 9.1-9.3 magnitude. People were just walking along the open seashore,without even knowing about the reasons for this sudden withdrawal of the water far out to the sea.
By the way, when speaking about the tsunami, it’s worth to mention, that the winter sign of an approaching destructive wave is the appearance of cracks in the coastal ice. By analogy with the tsunami waves, the appearance of such giant cracks in the area of Bighorn mountain range as a harbinger points out to the fact that the Yellowstone supervolcano may erupt in the nearest future (it may be days, months, next few years, but not centuries or millennia, as assumed by some scientists and mass media).
The Yellowstone Caldera has presented various surprises for the scientists lately. However, not all of them are unexpected but on the contrary, are quite predictable. This event once again confirms the information that was published back in 2014 in the report called "On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems”. According to the current situation, everyone draws conclusions for his own self.