Yellowstone called the "SMALL GLACIAL PERIOD" lasting more than 120 years

Scientists from the University of California in Santa Barbara, after studying the deposits of volcanic ash from 639,000 years ago discovered that the eruption caused by two high-frequency seasons in the past. Due to the activity of the supervolcano Yellowstone, the period lasted more than 60 years each.
Yellowstone is known to the scientist as supervolcano on the planet. The Yellowstone is known as a supervolcano. The common belief that the "power source" of ordinary volcanoes located in the earth's crust and that supervolcanoes feed directly from the planet's mantle. Studies of scientists have shown that the Earth's climate is more susceptible to eruptions of super volcanoes, as was previously researched.
As stated in the report "On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth." Effective ways to solve these problems ":
from suffocation and collapse of buildings." And this is far from all the deadly and destructive consequences ... "
Given the growing intensity of the climate disasters on Earth, now more than ever we, people, it is important to understand who we are and why. Deep and honest answers to these key questions for each issue are given in the unique film on the AllatRa TV channel. It's more than a film, it's a living book: CONSCIOUSNESS AND PERSONALITY. FROM THE INEVITABLY DEAD TO ETERNALLY ALIVE.
The text of the programme “Consciousness and Personality. From the inevitably dead to the eternally Alive” under the editorship of Anastasia Novykh: