The Yellowstone Supervolcano Awakening . What can each of us do?

ABSTRACT: ABSTRACT: According to the latest news from Yellowstone National Park (USA), the temperature rise of the earth surface and water surface is observed on its territory. The tendency of water temperature change in the Boiling River from September 2012 is shown below. The conclusions about the connection of these phenomena with the awakening of the Yellowstone supervolcano have been made, as indicated in the climatic report of the ALLATRA SCIENCE community of scientists. Yellowstone today is the most dangerous region of the planet, in which irreversible processes are already going on. The need and concrete steps of the transformation of society from a degrading consumer one into a flourishing spiritual have been described. It is the only model that will allow our civilization to survive the climate change on Earth and global natural disasters.

In July 2015, the Yellowstone National Park recorded an increase in the temperature of the earth surface up to +67 о С. The road leading to the Upper Terrace near the Mammoth Sources was closed from traffic. Geologists working on the Yellowstone caldera, drew attention to this anomalous area already in winter, because it was not covered with snow. Now, having drilled two half-meter openings, both of them quickly filled up with bubbling hot water. In fact, observing particular events that indicate the awakening of the super volcano, scientists are lost in their actions, not knowing what to do. Traditional science in such cases is limited to the observation of specific facts, without monitoring the processes on a global scale and not having any instruments to influence active seismic areas to somehow limit the raise of their activity.
The question of warning people about an impending catastrophe is brought to the people themselves. Luckily today's Internet tools allow very quickly replicate socially useful information. Many people do it heartily, realizing that nothing is more valuable than human life. Especially if the lives of a billion people in the entire Western Hemisphere are under a real threat now. And the consequences of this eruption will affect every inhabitant of the planet without exception. It is enough at least to notice the change in the earth’s magnetic field exactly in these regions and get acquainted with the information on the possible consequences (see the article: A sharp change in the Earth's magnetic field is a harbinger of global cataclysms [1]).
If we consider a specific fact - an increase in the temperature of surface water and the surface of the earth in Yellowstone, then something also precede to this event. After all, nothing happens in this world without a reason. You can find a cause-effect relationship in everything. If we talk purely about natural phenomena, then following the trend of changing surface water temperature, we can identify certain patterns. In Figure 1, the blue line shows the change in water temperature in the Boiling River from September 1,2012 to August 16,2015 according to the USGS. The Boiling river is located in the northwest of Wyoming (USA) in the Yellowstone National Park just outside of the recorded anomalies of the earth's surface temperature (see Figure 2).
Figure 1. The blue line is a change in the water temperature in the Boiling River from September 1,2012 to August 16,2015 according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). Orange dots indicate the average daily water temperature averaged over 11 years. A temperature scale in degrees Celsius is illustrated on the left, in degrees Fahrenheit is on the right. Source reference
Figure 2. The geographical location of the Boiling river (Yellowstone Park, Wyoming, USA).
The statistics for the last three years exceeds the average annual trend observed for past eleven years, and this difference increases from year to year. Especially it is noticeable from June 2014 to the present day and is up to 11 o C.
What do these data say? Having familiarized with the report of the scientific community of ALLATRA SCIENCE: "On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways of solving these problems " [2], the whole picture of what is happening become clear. The Yellowstone supervolcano is awakening, and the activation of the processes occurring in its depths has already become irreversible. Soil lifting, rising groundwater levels, increasing soil and surface water temperatures, increased activity of geysers, anomalies of the Earth's magnetic field in this region [1], seismic activity growth [3], significant growth of septonic activity [2] - all these signs are associated with the awakening of the Yellowstone caldera. The level of activity of the supervolcano increases every day, and there is less time for taking countermeasures and warning the population. Official science is powerless against nature. From the report of ALLATRA SCIENCE, it follows that until a particular time the scientists of this scientific community constrained the situation in the region artificially through the use of adaptive mechanisms. Now their attention is more focused on maintaining a stable situation around the Aira caldera (Japan, Kagoshima Prefecture), since the activity of this caldera can lead to far more severe consequences, given the number of inhabitants and population density in the Eastern Hemisphere. That until a particular time the scientists of this scientific community held back the situation in the region artificially due to the use of adaptive mechanisms. Now their attention is more focused on maintaining a stable situation around the Aira caldera (Japan, Kagoshima Prefecture), since the activity of this caldera can lead to far more severe consequences, given the number of inhabitants and population density in the Eastern Hemisphere. Until a particular time, the scientists of this scientific community held back the situation in the region artificially due to the use of adaptive mechanisms. Now their attention is more focused on maintaining a stable situation around the Aira caldera (Japan, Kagoshima Prefecture), since the activity of this caldera can lead to far more severe consequences, given the number of inhabitants and and population density in the Eastern Hemisphere.
Today, more than ever, it is important to unite scientist-creators in spirit-with the goal of developing an ALLATRA EXTRA PHYSICS to solve climate problems that humanity will face in the coming years. It is vital to spread the Knowledge of ALLATRA all over the world, and for this, today there are all possibilities - first of all, Internet technology. It is important to popularize in society spiritual, cultural and moral values and examples of appropriate behavior, including in critical situations. All this in the complex will become the foundation for the creation of a new society in the new conditions of existence - the community of which so many dreams and speak and for whom all conditions now exist. The only model that will allow civilization, rallied, Worthily survive the era of global climate change on Earth (for more details on this model of society, see the last 80 pages of the book AllatRa [4]). Here are a few quotes from the book:
"... And now humanity has a unique, real chance to save itself and its future. Today, the animal mind reaches its apogee in human society, triumph over human thought. You see, at what pace the planting of the consumer format of thinking is going on, a little bit more and all spiritual stimuli will be destroyed or replaced, either in society or the mind of the individual. In principle, the rapid pace of widespread introduction of accessible technology means among people around the world, the popularization among people of "permissible minimum literacy" in these matters is precisely the work of the global guides of the Animal Intelligence for the organization of subsequent total control over mankind and the subordination of the latter Will. But this is also the weakness of the Animal Mind. Mankind has a unique opportunity to use the same tools and the technical base that it has prepared for self-organization and unification, in direct opposition to the Animal Intelligence and the creation of a free society on the planet. Now there is a unique opportunity to turn the monad. Otherwise, it will be a little bit too late. The choice of the human makes everything! "
"... in fact, there is nothing complicated in this. It's just that the people themselves need to actively engage in the process of transforming society and create, as far as possible, the necessary conditions for educating peoples, uniting the world community and following human civilization along the spiritual vector of development.
The primary conditions for the creation of such a society:
1) increase of spiritual and intellectual literacy of people;
2) spiritual self-improvement of an individual and his active participation in the life of company;
3) independent association of peoples into a single world society;
4) the abolition of the world system of power of priests and politicians;
5) rigid restriction of capitalization of the individual;
6) the management of society must belong only to society as a whole;
7) the most important is the ideological transformation of society, unseparated with domination of both in man and in society of moral values and the Spiritual principle "(from the book AllatRa [4])