Climatic disasters are everywhere! Ice tsunami in the United States. Flood → Canada, Brazil, India, Vietnam | April 2020

We are happy to welcome you to the live broadcast of the Breaking News, which takes place on AllatRa TV every Sunday at 13:00 GMT.
The Breaking News project, just like all the videos on AllatRa TV, is created by volunteers of AllatRa International Public Movement in their free time.
In the middle of spring, an abnormal snow fell in Greece, which surprised local residents. And in Russia, after the spring heat, some regions were covered with abnormal snowfall and strong winds.
- In the second half of April 2020, abnormal weather events were observed in the Northern and Central regions of Greece: strong winds, snowfall, and a drop in temperature to zero.
- In the community of Ioannina, snow cover in some areas reached 15 (fifteen) cm. this weather is abnormal for this area, because the temperature at this time of year is on average about 20 (twenty) degrees Celsius.
- In the community of Ioannina, snow cover in some areas reached 15 (fifteen) cm. this weather is abnormal for this area, because the temperature at this time of year is on average about 20 (twenty) degrees Celsius.
- On April 20, 2020, after a 20-degree heat wave, a snow cyclone hit the Amur region in Russia. In Blagoveshchensk, snow fell almost twice as much as during the winter months. Due to snow resulted in congestion on the roads. Some roads leading to the city were blocked. Flights were canceled due to zero visibility at the airport. This is the most powerful April snowfall in the Amur region in the last 25 years.
- On April 24, 2020, in the middle of spring, sub-zero temperatures unexpectedly returned and snow fell. It is worth noting that weather changes were observed in the southern Urals all winter and continue again in the spring.
- On April 25, 2020, a powerful atmospheric front raced across the territory of the Middle Volga region, Russia, accompanied by heavy rainfall and strong winds. Unfortunately, there is a dead and injured person. Gale force winds tore roofs off homes, felled trees, and snapped power lines.
We have told only about some regions of the planet where abnormal temperature changes were observed. But in fact, sharp changes in the weather are already recorded everywhere. A warm and Sunny day can be abruptly replaced by cold and strong wind, and such weather changes can occur several times a day.
We, in Slovakia, have also seen sudden and abnormal changes in temperature for a long time, and unusual natural phenomena also appear in relation to the calendar. All this is a consequence of global climate change around the world.
We cannot influence these processes as humanity, but we all have a great inner power, the power of Love and Kindness, and this naturally creates in us the need to connect, support each other and help each other in difficult life situations. And thanks to really advanced science, we can predict these catastrophic events. And what we can do at such times is to combine our forces and abilities, interact and inform each other in a timely manner, and take joint measures to prevent further loss of life. After all, human life is what has the greatest value in the world.
The weather in different countries is becoming more and more unpredictable.
For example, the United States was again hit by a series of disasters. This is the country's tornado season, which usually lasts from late February to November. In the first two months of this period, the number of tornadoes was almost one and a half times more than in the same period of 2019. The destructive power of this element sometimes leads to disastrous consequences. At the same time, residents of the state of Minnesota were affected by a rather rare phenomenon - an ice tsunami.
- On April 20, 2020, on Mille Lacs Lake, Minnesota, USA, an icy tsunami struck houses along the coast. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Heavy wind gusts pushed huge amounts of thawing ice ashore. As a result, an ice wall about 9 (nine) meters high was formed, which moved towards residential buildings and damaged some of them. About seven (7) years ago, the locals had already encountered such a phenomenon. An ice tsunami is a rare phenomenon and is far from being fully understood. It is much slower than a water tsunami; however, its power can be so destructive that it crashes trees and houses that stand in its way.
- On April 22, 2020, a tornado hit the city of Onalaska in eastern Texas, USA. Unfortunately, there were reports of casualties, seriously wounded and injured people. The tornado left behind about 500 (five hundred) damaged and completely destroyed buildings. Hundreds of people were rendered homeless. The locals came together to help each other. They provided help to the victims and took part in the debris removal that had been caused by the disaster. These same days, storms and tornadoes hit the Southern United States. Regrettably, there were dead and injured. A raging, powerful wind damaged many houses and downed trees. More than 100 thousand (one hundred thousand) people were left without electricity. Some places were flooded.
- On April 25, 2020, a heavy hail storm struck the northwest of the Louisiana state, USA. Fortunately, there were no casualties. Baseball-sized hail-stones damaged homes, cars and farmland.
Understanding the importance of tracking real climate changes, their causes and consequences, the Climate Control project is being implemented on the AllatRa TV platform, which includes a series of popular science programs. They highlight the relationship between the processes occurring inside the Earth, on its surface, with space and astronomical processes in the Universe. As well as interviews with specialists from various fields of science.
In the second decade of April 2020, residents of many countries of the world suffered from severe flooding. The element forces people to leave their homes and practically leaves them without resources for living. Allatra TV reporter from Canada will tell about floods on different continents.
- On April 19, 2020 a powerful storm with large hail raged in Guizhou Province, China. In Pintan County, the bad weather has led to streams of water in the streets. The buildings were also damaged and power supply problems arose. Fortunately, there were no casualties.
- From 22 to 24 April 2020, devastating storms, thunderstorms and hail struck the northern provinces of Vietnam. Unfortunately, there are dead and injured. The disaster has severely damaged about 6 (six) thousand homes, and in central Quang Binh Province, floods have damaged vast areas of crops. People were relocated to safer areas.
- Also at the end of April 2020, the heat in different parts of India was replaced by heavy rains and thunderstorms. In several areas, rainfall caused the flooding of homes and farmland, and massive hail broke the roofs. In some districts, heavy rain continued for 24 hours.
- In northeastern Brazil, heavy rains caused flooding in the city of Caruaru on 26 April 2020. In just 6 (six) hours, almost a month's rainfall has fallen. The flooded streets were like rivers. Some residents were trapped in water in their homes. There were rescue operations all over the city. An emergency situation was declared.
- In late April 2020, the Canadian province of Alberta experienced severe flooding. A dead man has been reported. Ice jams in local rivers have caused water levels to rise. Settlements, including the city of Fort McMurray, have been flooded. In some places, the water reached the roofs of houses. This led to the evacuation of about 13 (thirteen) thousand people. According to the locals, the floods have not been this severe for the last 100 years.
Floods are among the most dangerous natural disasters. They are not as sudden as other cataclysms, but their consequences are often very serious. In many cases, local people are warned that flooding is approaching. Therefore, it is very important not to ignore such warnings and do not hope that the disaster will pass by. After all, the most important value to be preserved is life.
How to ensure humanity's autonomous life in extreme climatic conditions? About such discoveries, that could have done this, science has known for a long time. But in the modern format of society, there is no place for such inventions. There are many reasons for this - the main one is in the consumer format of thinking, a selfish worldview and the search for personal gain in the minds of people.
But it could be different! Another choice!
All this is not fiction, but the reality of today, but with the prevalence in the society of values worthy of the title of Human being.
The knowledge of the PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS opens up endless horizons of possibilities for humanity.
Only advance preparation and unity of the peoples of the world in the face of a threatening natural danger gives humanity a great chance of survival and joint overcoming of difficulties in an era associated with global climate change of the planet
Understanding this ALLATRA International Public Movement serves as a platform to implement the project “CREATIVE SOCIETY”
As part of this project, volunteers from more than 180 countries take interviews to find out if people want to change the consumer format of the society to the creative one, and how they see a society in which every person feels safe and happy.
The more people express their opinion, the faster the model of a creative society will unfold.
We are shaping our future now. More details on the CREATIVE SOCIETY project is available at
Let us now watch one of such interviews. We will continue our broadcast afterwards.
Friends, please join this creative initiative.
Record life vlogs and post them to your YouTube channels and social media pages with these three hashtags:
Solutions and a way out of this situation, watch at the ALLATRA TV:
Climate Change. The Beginning of a Big Disaster (English Subtitles)
The books by A.Novykh for those who strive to know the truth:
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