Volcanic eruptions on the rise. Climate urgent news 7: Ecuador, China, Australia, Japan, Canada

Significant climate changes are taking place all over the world. Volcanic and seismic activity is growing, anomalous phenomena of nature are increasingly observed.
In the cycle of programmes "Urgent News" volunteers of ALLATRA TV cover climatic events on the planet as well as real ways of solving these problems, show examples of the creative unification of people. In the 7th episode eyewitnesses from the events of Ecuador, Australia, China, Japan and Canada talk about climate disasters in these regions of the planet.
Climate change is the obviousness of today. In the program "Се грядёт. It is coming" on ALLATRA TV
it is said that that the entire world community is able to solve any issues related to climatic cataclysms only through the consolidation into one close-knit family. People must be people. The community of people based on the highest universal human qualities is able to overcome any trials and gain much more - that supreme value which lies beyond this visible world - spiritual Freedom.
The Breaking News are created by the volunteers of ALLATRA International Public Movement from all around the world. We invite all who are interested to take part in the common cause - informing the humankind about real climate events all over the planet. https://allatra.org/