FIRES and FLOODS on the Planet: California, Jordan, Saudi Arabia. What is happening to the OCEAN?

The climate is changing rapidly, and today everyone on the planet is witnessing a global change. Around the world at the same time occurred many different natural disasters: large-scale floods, hailstorms, heavy snowfalls, tornadoes, warming of the oceans, forest fires, faults in the earth's crust. Are these weather conditions usual or abnormal? What is happening to the planet? And what are the consequences for humanity? Maybe it's time to face the truth?
Every day we see the consequences of floods in the news. Among all natural disasters, floods occupy a leading position in terms of the number of repetitions, the coverage of territories and the total annual economic damage. More about this in the episode of Breaking News on ALLATRA TV.
Flooding in Jordan. On November 9, heavy rainstorms in the south of Jordan caused flooding. About 4 thousand people were evacuated to safe areas. The ancient city of Peter suffered greatly. The reason for such a heavy rain was a cyclone that passed over the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula.
On November 7, a hailstorm hit Saudi Arabia. The stream of large hailstones engulfed the sand dunes. In a country located in tropical latitudes, hailstorms are very rare.
Lyon, Thailand. Interview with an eyewitness of a sudden flood. Examples of mutual assistance of people.
Warming of the World ocean. The study shows that the ocean warming will lead to a decrease in its oxygen concentration, and this will adversely affect the deep-sea habitants. In the oceans there are already hundreds of zones with a minimum amount of oxygen, where neither fish nor plants can survive.
Warming of the World ocean. The study shows that the ocean warming will lead to a decrease in its oxygen concentration, and this will adversely affect the deep-sea habitants. In the oceans there are already hundreds of zones with a minimum amount of oxygen, where neither fish nor plants can survive.
In Antarctica, an iceberg broke off the Pine Island Glacier, located in the west of the continent. In size the giant ice floe is 300 square kilometers.
FRANCE. In France, over the last month tornadoes have become frequent, which used to be rare occurrence for this country. On October 29, tornadoes passed through the municipality of Tanneron in Provence, and on the island of Corsica. The whirlwind brought rain to Corsica: in some areas fell up to 200 mm of precipitation. 300 people were evacuated from the island. And in the night of November 8-9, residents of the southern communes of Lattis and Le Cresis observed a tornado.
On November 11, 2018 residents of two departments of the French region of the Pays de la Loire faced a series of tornadoes.
SOUTH AFRICA. In South Africa since October 24, wildfires are continuing to burn in the Western Cape province. Forest fires have destroyed the Garden Route, a popular coastal route in South Africa that includes more than 200 kilometers of scenic views, national parks and beaches.
USA, California. For more than a week fires have been continuing in California. In the last episode of Breaking News, we talked about the wildfires.
On November 8, large-scale fires began in the state of California (USA). The most extensive fires occurred in the counties of Butte, Ventura, and Los Angeles. According to the latest data (11/17/2018) in the north of California, the CAMPFIRE covered almost 60,000 hectares. The city of Paradise, from which nearly 27,000 people were evacuated, is unsuitable for further residence.
The second powerful fire is raging in Malibu and South Oaks. Fire, which is called WOOLSEY FIRE, has covered almost 40,000 hectares, 548 buildings have been destroyed by the fire. Total evacuation of the population is carried out from the areas where fires spread.
In US, in the state of Oregon, near Mount Hood, scientists have discovered a network of active and dangerous geological faults.
India. From November 3, heavy rain and snowfall hit Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and part of the state of Uttarakhand.
Climate events are becoming more and more global and dramatic - that is today's reality. All processes take place not separately, but in conjunction with each other and, naturally, affect the climate system of the whole planet.
For more information, watch a unique programme on ALLATRA TV: Се грядёт. It is coming
The report by ALLATRA SCIENCE “On the Problems and Consequences of Global Climate Change on Earth. Effective Ways to Solve These Problems”
Books by ANASTASIA NOVYKH are for those who crave to know the Truth: