Record snowfall in Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, December 201728

According to the AccuWeather, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA reached highest snowfall record. The city was covered with 154 cm of snow from December 24-26 during 48-hour range.
"Now this is the biggest two-day snow record in Pennsylvania, which is ahead of the old record of 112 cm of snow, set in Morgantown from March 20 to 21 in 1958," said meteorologist Bill DeGuer of AccuWeather.
Due to unusual weather conditions that affected visibility, traffic on roads deteriorated, and some flights of Erie International Airport were canceled.
Huge drifts have already adorned the city, but the snow continues to go.
"How do modern scientists predict the occurrence of certain events? In meteorology, unusually powerful cumulonimbus clouds are one of the main conditions for the emergence of a tornado. The former, in their turn, are formed during the invasion of cold air on the overheated land surface. The satellite captures the cloud front, and, based on these pictures, scientists make assumptions about the possibility of occurrence of the respective natural phenomena. In fact, mankind visually observes and draws conclusions about the consequences of the physical phenomena which have already taken place in the invisible world, so the conclusions of scientists are assumptions by their nature, rather than precise knowledge of the causes of the origin of these phenomena in the physics of microcosm.". From the report of the international community ALLATRA SCIENCE" On the Problems and Consequences of Global Climate Change on Earth. Effective Ways to Solve These Problems".
You can read the report in this link: