Hurricane Max reached Acapulco, Mexico September 2017

According to the US National Center for Hurricane Prevention, Hurricane Max reached the Pacific coast of Mexico. Previously, a tropical storm "Max" was formed near the Mexican coast, which then increased to the level of a hurricane.
On September 15, the storm "Max" rages in Acapulcom and other locations of the State of Guerrero, Mexico. The wind speed in the epicenter reaches 130 km / h, with gusts up to 160 km / h. This corresponds to the first of five categories according to the international Saffir-Simpson scale.
Hurricane Max reached Acapulco, Mexico September 2017
According to forecasts of weather forecasters due to the hurricane, rain can lead to floods and landslides.
Natural disasters have no "frontiers," these artificially created conventions, which were invented by rulers to divide people and have power over them.The consequences and disasters that bring worldwide cataclysms extend far beyond "focal" specific state and, in one way or another, apply to all the inhabitants of the Earth.
(From the scientific report of the Allatra SCIENCE community of scientists on the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth.Effective ways to solve these problems " )